Hey so a few of your been asking me to promote your blogs... So I really don't have much time, BUT i want to help you all out as much as i can... If i miss you tell me in the comments to put you up, Maybe i will put you in my other post. Thanks to everyone xD.
First blog:
Laz is that KiD...
Check him out he has some pretty fresh sketches, the latest shoes... etc.
![Image and video hosting by TinyPic](http://i32.tinypic.com/674c1t.jpg)
Next one is..
...He's been helping me and giving me some words of wisdom on why shouldn't give up AND I am never going to give up. I really want to prove my point and be a fashion Biz owner, and If you forgot its in my "Q&A day part2" section but I will say it again... My main point of this whole blog is, You don't have to be rich and balling to make it to the lime light, I know a lot of artist say that but they Haven't had a website so early trying to get their point across which is what i am trying to do
http://justinfreshness.blogspot.com/And another shout out too Amr.. he's doing his thing already wish I had connections like him that way i can kick off my Fashion bis
![Image and video hosting by TinyPic](http://i31.tinypic.com/33u67av.jpg)
And a shout out to KINGYOUNGLEE...
Keep doin yah thing xD
Thank you Justin, AND THank you Everyone I mean everyone From Awk@ardz too Tr3ndz $ett3r To Daniel.. TO EVERYONE....
ALll My Followers all my hater, I want to think you and PLEASE don't stop, You all make me feel so wanted and happy to come on here to wake up to 5 Comments in the morning, that may not sound like a lot, BUt in my eyes im like damn.. People are actually into me xD. keep it up to all the blogs out there, and I hope my dream will come true and I will always remember my blog fans word up.
Yours truly,
CHECK OUT THIS BLog.. I love her songs on her pro xD