I'm going to find another job keep that going. I want to hopefully find a shoe store to work at or clothing store to get some more info about fashion/Merchandising/etc. AND on the side I'm going to DJ at parties for my senior year :D.
I hope this will bring in some extra $ So I can start on my project. My project is working on Accessories, such as Sunglasses.
When ever I bring in the money I'm working on the project ASAP. So be on the look out for that. This should hopefully bring in more money! You guys remember the last sunglasses right?
(Here they are below)
They came out a little messy so I'm finding an alternate way of putting them on more neatly.
So I just wanted to inform you on what's coming up. :D
Here are some random but relevant photos. My finals are almost done thank god...!
Hope you all are doing well... What do you guys have planed this week... or even this summer?
sounds like a good idea!
Sounds good bro :)! Hope u can find that job aswell, im searching aswell!
I see u gots a MASTERPLAN!
Lmao Yes Jhizzy this IS my master plan haha
These glasses are nice..haven't been on blogger in a while nice to see your blog is still awsome!..btw i never got my interview
thanks =]
Urban Outfitters, Free People and Anthropologie are all part of the same company and they have great merchandisers and opportunities at their stores. Maybe check them out? (I know the last 2 are mainly women's clothing but still great merchandising ideas...)
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